This peri-implantitis treatment tool is designed to remove the infected implant
surface and reduce bone loss. The titanium bristles rotate around a fixture and
remove inflammation while at the same time, creating a new rough surface that
allows better re-osseointegration.


– Implant Round Brush
– Perfectly cleans the infected implant surface
– Titanium Alloy Bristles
– Diameter Ø5.6 / Ø6.6
– 2,000~5,000 rpm with solution (1:1)
– Single use
Before and after treatment with R-Brush


Before R-Brush treatment
The contaminated surface of the implant was found.


After R-Brush treatment
A new rough surface was formed which allows for better re-osseointegration.

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Objednávky: 733 729 141
Konzultace: 732 151 477